Frank:1. Frank Garland. Born 11 April 1892. Son of #2 Elisha Harrison Garland and #3 Harriet Jane ("Hattie") Gouge. Died December 1964.
Frank's Parents:
2. Elisha Harrison Garland. Born 15 January 1869. Son of #4 Joseph Emerson Garland and #5 Anna Eliza Garland. Married his second cousin, Harriet Jane ("Hattie") Gouge. Died 27 March 1945.
3. Harriet Jane ("Hattie") Gouge. Born 22 March 1869 in Mitchell County, North Carolina. Daughter of #6 Joseph Leonard Gouge and #7 Cordelia Phebe Burleson. Died 22 May 1941.
Frank's Grandparents:
4. Joseph Emerson Garland. Born about 1843. Son of #8 Rev. Julius S. Garland and #9 Delitha L. Whitson. Married, as her second husband, his first cousin, Anna Eliza Bailey, née Garland,, 2 October 1865 in Mitchell County, North Carolina, J.C. Garland, Justice of the Peace, officiating.
5. Anna Eliza Garland. Born 1839. Daughter of #10 Guthridge ("Captain Gutch") Garland and #11 Rebecca Garland. Married 1st Thomas Bailey, son of James and Elizabeth Bailey.
6. Joseph Leonard Gouge. Born about 1845 in Yancey County, North Carolina. Son of #12 Joel Gouge and #13 Minerva Phillips. Served on both sides of the War Between the States: (1) Company I, 29th Regiment North Carolina Troops (C.S.A.), 1862-1864; (2) Company E, 3rd North Carolina Mounted Infantry (U.S.A.), 1864-1865. Married his second cousin, Cordelia Phebe Burleson, October 1866, Mitchell County, North Carolina. Died 9 February 1892, Mitchell County, North Carolina.
7. Cordelia Phebe Burleson. Born 5 June 1846 in Yancey County, North Carolina. Daughter of #14 Jonathan Burleson and #15 Nancy Garland. Obtained "free trader" status (allowing her to buy and sell property in her own name), 1886. Received a pension as a widow of a Union veteran. Died 19 November 1923 at Erwin, Tennessee.
Frank's Great-Grandparents:
8. Rev. Julius S. Garland. Born about 1817-19. Son of #16 Rev. Elisha Garland and #17 Nancy Roberson. Represented Yancey County at the North Carolina Constitutional Conventions of 1865 and 1868. Married 2nd Susannah -----.
9. Delitha L. Whitson. Born about 1822.
10. Guthridge ("Captain Gutch") Garland. Born 1814 or 1815. Son of #20 Rev. Elisha Garland and #21 Nancy Roberson. He was 5'11" tall, with dark hair and eyes and a fair complexion. Married his first cousin, Rebecca Garland, 1833, Burke County, North Carolina, with their uncle, Samuel Guthridge ("Gutch Junior") Garland, Justice of the Peace, officiating. Mustered into service at Asheville, North Carolina in 1838 as Third Corporal of an independent company attached to Col. Lindley's Regiment of Georgia Volunteers. This company was one of those that escorted the Cherokee on the "Trail of Tears;" Guthridge Garland did not go farther than the Mississippi River. Enlisted as a private in Company B, 3rd Regiment Tennessee Calvary (U.S.A) 17 May 1864 at Nashville, Tennessee. Resigned as an enlisted man 14 September 1864 to accept a commission as 1st Lieutenant in Company E of the 2nd North Carolina Mounted Infantry (U.S.A.). Mustered out of service 8 August 1865. Served as Circuit Court Clerk of Mitchell County, North Carolina, from 1868 to 1873. Took the 1870 Census of Mitchell County, North Carolina. (On the census returns, he usually signed his name as "Gutaridge.") Elected First Chairman of the County Court of Unicoi County, Tennessee, 1875. Died in 1896. Buried at Loafer's Glory, Mitchell County, North Carolina. Known to his descendants as "Captain Gutch." There were hard feelings between the Garlands and their neighbors the Baileys, who were Confederate sympathizers. The Baileys were "thunderstruck" when Thomas Bailey married Captain Gutch's daugher Annie Eliza. The Bailey family referred to Captain Gutch as "Old Frog Gutch," reportedly a reference to his fondness for eating frog legs.
11. Rebecca Garland. Born 1816. Daughter of #22 John William Thomas Garland and #23 Rebecca Stanley. She was robbed and taken prisoner by the Confederate Home Guard during the War Between the States. Died in 1907. Buried at Loafer's Glory, Mitchell County, North Carolina.
12. Joel Gouge. Born ca. 1797 in North Carolina. Son of #24 John Gouge and #25 Elizabeth Hoppes. Died 1855 in Yancey County, North Carolina.
13. Minerva ("Nervie") Phillips. Born 10 October 1811 in Burke County, North Carolina. Daughter of #26 Lazarus Phillips and #27 Jane ("Jenny") Garland. Died 3 May 1892 in Mitchell County, North Carolina.
14. Jonathan Burleson. Born ca. 1822 in North Carolina. Son of #28 Simeon Burleson and #29 Mary ("Polly") Ledford.
15. Nancy Garland. Born ca. 1820 in North Carolina. Daughter of #30 Rev. Elisha Garland and #31 Nancy Roberson. Died 1903 in North Carolina.
Frank's 2nd-Great-Grandparents:
16, 20 & 30. Rev. Elisha Garland. Born 1788. Son of #32 Guthridge ("Old Gutch") Garland and #33 Bridget Hampton. Methodist minister. Died 1875.
17, 21 & 31. Nancy Roberson. Born about 1793 in Virginia.
22. John William Thomas Garland. Born 14 September 1783 or 1785. Son of #44 Guthridge ("Old Gutch") Garland and #45 Bridget Hampton. Moved to Fannin County, Georgia. Died 24 October 1863.
23. Rebecca Stanley. Born 1795. Daughter of #46 Rickles Stanley and #47 Olivia Howell.
24. John Gouge. Born ca. 1765, probably in Virginia. Died 1810-20 in Burke County, North Carolina.
25. Elizabeth Hoppes. Born ca. 1765, probably in Virginia. Died 1850-60 in North Carolina.
26. Lazarus Phillips. Born 1781. Died October 1866 in Mitchell County, North Carolina.
27. Jane ("Jenny") Garland. Born 1780 in Tennessee. Daughter of #54 Guthridge ("Old Gutch") Garland and #55 Bridget Hampton. Died 1855 in Yancey County, North Carolina.
28. Simeon Burleson. Born ca. 1765 in North Carolina. Probably the son of #56 Thomas Burleson and #57 Margaret Greene. Married 10 April 1805 in Rutherford County, North Carolina. Died before 28 June 1840.
29. Mary ("Polly") Ledford. Born ca. 1787. Died after 1860.
Frank's 3rd-Great-Grandparents:
32, 40, 44, 54 & 60. Guthridge ("Old Gutch") Garland. Born 1753 in Halifax County, North Carolina. Married 21 September 1778 in Rowan County, North Carolina. Died 1848 in Carter County, Tennessee.
33, 41, 45, 55 & 61. Bridget Hampton. Born ca. 1758 in Halifax County, North Carolina. Daughter of #66 Ezekiel Hampton and #67 Jane ("Jenny") Griggs.
46. Rickles Stanley. Born 1774. Son of #92 Alfred Stanley. Died 1855.
47. Olivia Howell.
56. Unknown. But probably Thomas Burleson. Born 1750 in North Carolina. Soldier in the American Revolution. Land grant, 1794. Died after 1830.
57. Unknown. But probably Margaret Greene. From Sandy Run, Rutherford County, North Carolina.
Frank's 4th-Great-Grandparents.
66, 82, 90, 110 & 122. Ezekiel Hampton. Born 1734 in Orange County, North Carolina. Son of #132 Col. Andrew Hampton and (probably) #133 Sarah Kuykendall. Died 1811 in Buncombe County, North Carolina.
67, 83, 91, 111 & 123. Jane ("Jenny") Griggs. Daugher of #134 Minus Griggs (Jr.) and #135 Jane -----. Born 1745 in Old Grandville County, North Carolina.
92. Alfred Stanley. Born about 1750. Died about 1841.
Frank's 5th-Great-Grandparents:
132, 164, 180, 220 & 244. Col. Andrew Hampton. Born 1715 at Freehold, New Jersey. Son of #264 Noah Hampton. Married ca. 1730. Married 2nd Catherine Hyder. Died 8 October 1804 in Rutherford County, North Carolina.
133, 165, 181, 221 & 245. Probably Sarah Kuykendall. Born ca. 1710. Died 1748 in North Carolina.
134, 166, 182, 222, & 246. Minus Griggs (Jr.) Son of #268 Minus Griggs.
135, 167, 183, 223 & 247. Jane -----.
Frank's 6th-Great-Grandparents:
264, 328, 360, 440, 488. Noah Hampton. Born at Freehold, New Jersey. Son of #1648 John Hampton. Died 1760.
268, 332, 364, 444 & 492. Minus Griggs (Sr.)
Frank's 7th-Great-Grandparents:
528, 656, 720, 880, 976. John Hampton. Born 1640 at Eldhingstoun, East Lothian County, Scotland. Died 23 January 1702 at Freehold, New Jersey.
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