611. Sharon Faye Rominger ( , Millard Talmage Rominger , Permana Rominger , Alfred Edward Rominger , Christine Ebert , Rosina Spach , Adam , Hans Adam )
Sharon married Billy Yates, son of Howard Yates and Cora Belle Trivette.
They had the following children:
837 F i Stephanie Ann Yates 838 M ii William Conrad Yates
617. Rebecca Sue May ( , Millard Talmage Rominger , Permana Rominger , Alfred Edward Rominger , Christine Ebert , Rosina Spach , Adam , Hans Adam )
Rebecca married Raymond Dollars, son of George Dollars and Frances Tester.
They had the following children:
839 M i Dennis Allen Dollars
618. Minnie Pauline May (Twin) ( , Millard Talmage Rominger , Permana Rominger , Alfred Edward Rominger , Christine Ebert , Rosina Spach , Adam , Hans Adam )
They had the following children:
840 M i Wesley Moretz 841 M ii James Moretz