Oscar L. Raeder
Oscar L. Raeder Is
Trivial Cause Contributes to
A farm tractor crushed out the life of Oscar L. Raeder, 24-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Raeder of the town of Greenbush, at 7:15 o'clock Wednesday night when it turned over on the Krumrey road east of Plymouth. Mr. Raeder was taking the tractor to his brother's farm in the town of Sheboygan Falls at the time, and was traveling at the side of the road to avoid the hard pavement when the front wheels struck a stone and were deflected in such a manner as to cause the machine to lose its equilibrium and turn over. He was instantly killed when the steering wheel and engine crushed his chest. A boy residing nearby witnessed the accident and sent out the alarm. Fred Schreiber and Henry Schoenfeld, living nearest to the scene of the accident, rushed to his assistance, but were unable to do anything to save his life. They notified a Plymouth physician who was summoned. The body was removed to Wittkopp Undertaking parlors. Coroner Van Zanten made an examination of the circumstances surrounding the accident this morning and came to the conclusion that death was accidental and that no inquest was necessary. Mr. Raeder was born in the town of Greenbush on August 24, 1897. Besides his parents he is survived by four brothers, Fred, of Sheboygan Falls; Herman, Milton and John at home; Mrs. Otto Ebenretter of Plymouth; Miss Clara Raeder of Sheboygan, and Miss Laura at home. Funeral services will be held from the late home on Saturday, the Rev. Veh of the Evangelical church officiating. |