Joseph Kalchthaler, Jr.
Struck By Auto North Of City
Miss Ruth DeBack And Joseph Kalchthaler
Two Sheboygan High school students, a boy and a girl, were fatally injured when an automobile struck a caravan of four bicycles as seven young people were returning from a moonlight ride following a wiener roast. The accident happened north on Highway 141 past Pigeon river on the plateau before the long dip shortly after 11 p. m. Wednesday. The dead, next-door neighbors, are Miss Ruth DeBack, 15, 1213 Trimberger court, and Joseph Kalchthaler, 15, 2016 N. Twelfth street. Joseph was peddling the bicycle that was leading the caravan south toward the city. Ruth was riding the frame. William Beringer, 17, 1214 Michigan avenue, second in line, is in St. Nicholas Hospital today suffering from a possible fractured pelvis. Riding with him was Miss Wilma Kuitert, 16, 2128 N. Thirteenth street.
Merton Olson, 16, 1230 Trimberger court, riding solo, was next in line, and he was followed by his sister, Lucille, 14, riding the frame of a bicycle peddled by Robert Marsho, 16, who lives downstairs at 1230 Trimberger court. The last three were uninjured. Roger Yehle, 926 1/2 Indiana avenue, the driver of the coupe that crashed into the file of bicycles, was uninjured. He was also traveling south. The auto missed the bicycle last in line; tore a wheel from the next one; sideswiped the third, and in a head-on crash demolished the third. The light coupe continued down the road for a hundred years, swerved from the right hand side of the road to the left, crashed through a fence, skidded clear around, and stopped in a farmer's field, traffic officers reported.
County Traffic Officers Gary Hubers and Roland Gilligan were dispatched from the sheriff's office to the scene of the accident to direct traffice and the clearing away of the wreckage. The four bicycles were loaded on a truck and hauled to the city. Mr. Marsho rode to the city with the truck. The fatally injured, both of whome died soon after being admitted to hospitals here, were rushed to the city by John Nissing and Herbert Dittrich, both of Route 1, Sheboygan. The others were given assistance by John Kaskamp, 716 S. Twenty-third street, Manitowoc. Coroner Harry Heiden was called to the scene of the accident immediately after it had been reported. Those young people not physically injured were suffering from shock today after witnessing the tragedy under the full moon that illuminated the highway and fields. Shoes, bits of clothing, and other personal effects strewn about were later collected by the officers. District Attorney Jacob A. Fessler said at noon today that he would conduct an investigation.
Rose Ruth DeBack, 15, one of the young people killed last night, was born in Sheboygan in 1921, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William DeBack. She attended the Holy Name school, graduating in 1934. She entered high school and would have been a sophomore this year. Survivors are her parents, one sister, Betty Jane; her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Stuegel, and her grandmother, Mrs. Ed. Beius. Funeral services will be held at the Robert H. Kroos Funeral Home at 8:30 o'clock Saturday morning, and at 9 o'clock at the Holy Name church. The Rt. Rev. Msgt. Philipp Dreis will have charge of the services and burial will be made in Calvary cemetery. Joseph Kalchthaler, Jr., the other victim in the accident, was also born in the cit on February 11, 1921. He attended the Holy Name school and graduated in June, 1935. In September, 1935, he enrolled at the Pio Nona College at St. Francis, Milwaukee county, and he was to have left next Tuesday to begin his school term. Funeral services will be held Saturday morning at 8:30 o'clock at the Ballhorn Funeral Temple, and at 9 a. m. at the Holy Name church. Burial will be made in the family lot at Calvary cemetery and Rev. Msgr. Philipp Dreis will have charge will have charge of the services. He was a member of the Young Men's Society and Junior Holy Name Society of the Holy Name church. He had a pleasing personality and leaves a host of friends. Survivors are his parents and one brother, Virgil, who is attending Marquette university at Milwaukee. |