Adam Kleist
Adam Kleist, 73 years of age, passed away at his home, 1235 Pennsylvania avenue, Saturday evening, following an attack of pneumonia. The deceased had been failing for some time when taken with the severe attack that caused his death. He was born in Germany and came to this city when a young man, living here the remainder of his life. He is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Robert Grandey [sic], Mrs. Ernst Kupel [sic], Mrs. Harry Hermann and Mrs. Herman Eisold and four sons, Herman, William, Jacob and Adam Jr., all of this city. The funeral will be held Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock from the St. Peter Claver church, Rev. J. P. Van Treeck officiating. Burial will take place in Wildwood cemetery. The deceased came to this country in 1871 and immediately settled in Sheboygan where he worked in the tannery here for 34 years. For the past five years he has been living a retired life. He was married in this city, Sept. 21, 1874 [sic: should be 1875], to Barbara Urban. He was a member of the Arbeiter Verein, six members of which will act as the pall bearers at the funeral. |